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Introduction to basic labour relations
An introduction to the Labour Relations Act No 66 of 1995 (as amended) as well as the Basic Conditions of Employment Act no 75 of 1997 and an explanation of the duties; obligations and content of rights in the workplace.
Sub Category
Basic Conditions of Employment
Document Type
Basic Labour Relations 2017.pdf
Publish Date
Johanette Rheeder
Document Format

81 pages in document, you are previewing the first 2 pages below:

Basic Labour Relations and CCMA practices CONTENT General information SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Why do we have discipline and the Constitutional effect on our workplace? SECTION 2 - THE CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT SECTION 3 - BASIC LABOUR RELATIONS Module 1: General discussion Module 2: Insubordination Module 3: Job descriptions and Extra duties Module 4: Absenteeism and Medical Certificates Module 5: Smoking in the workplace Module 6: Trade unions and Shop stewards – overview SECTION 4 - CODE OF GOOD PRACTICE ON DISMISSAL – SCHEDULE 8 SECTION 5 - MISCONDUCT AND THE DISCIPLINARY CODE SECTION 6 - THE CCMA – AN OVERVIEW Module 7: CCMA information sheets Module 8: Forms, rules and guidelines SECTION 7 - THE USE OF TEMPORAY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES IN TERMS OF SECTION 189 OF THE lRA SECTION 8 – THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT ACT Regulation of work time Threshold earnings Leave How to regulate annual leave and yearly shut downs Sick leave What can the employer deduct from salary? Notice of termination Sectoral determinations Labour inspectors Employee rights and general terms